The Schmoozenbergs
Live Music from 9pm
Conjuring the mood of 1930s Paris, fused with flavours of Eastern Europe and a liberal sprinkling of high energy folk, The Schmoozenbergs’ uplifting music will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step!
A Lunch Gig With Ewan Bleach & The Fleeting Paradise Orchestra
Live Music from 12.15pm
Join us and Ewan Bleach for a Sunday lunchtime concert in the company of his big band, The Fleeting Paradise Orchestra!
A Night of Music & Memories: Honouring Pablo Domínguez
Live Music from 8.30pm
London’s global musicians unite to honor flamenco guitarist Pablo Domínguez with a night of rhythm, passion, and unity.
Poetry Monday Hosted by Gabriel Moreno
Live Performance from 8pm
Celtic Session
Live Music from 8.30pm
Our weekly traditional Celtic session! Come and enjoy the warmth and beauty of this special music with us. Musicians with a background in Irish trad are welcome to bring their instrument and join in. Tonight will also include a dance workshop with Jess Collins between 7 and 8pm (suggested donation for participation – £5)
We also have a HAPPY HOUR between 5 and 7pm!
A Life Drawing Class by North London Life Drawing (Longer Poses)
Class Runs from 11am-1pm
Join us for an early weekly Wednesday Life Drawing class organised by ‘North London Life Drawing’, featuring longer poses for in depth work, and for artists that use various medias that takes time. Board, paper and chalk is provided.
Afternoon Show: TJ Johnson’s Peak of the Week
Live Music from 3-5pm
A Wednesday afternoon of live jazz, blues, gospel and country with one of the UK’s finest jazz and blues singers, TJ Johnson.
A Swing Dance Taster Class!
Class begins at 6.30pm
Lesta Woo brings her fun and friendly swing dance taster class to Jamboree, taking place before The Cable Street Rag Band play their weekly Thursday set…
Limehouse de Reverie With The Cable Street Rag Band
Live Music from 8.30pm
Live 1920s and ’30s jazz and swing!
Live Music from 9pm
A Friday night of West African music, including coastal African sounds and rhythms and cross-cultural fusions with the fantastic Touki.
A Weekly Life Drawing Class
Class Runs from 11am-1pm
Join us for a life drawing class every Saturday from 11am – 1pm, organised by ‘North London Life Drawing’. Board, paper and chalk is provided, and there will be a new model every week!